I know its been quite a while since my last post, 3 weeks to be precise. I'v just been quite the busy bee with uni. And its not like i don't have anything to post, iv been shopping again. So many unnecessary items of clothing have now worked there way into my wardrobe. The parents are thrilled... Anyway, i supposes this being a personal blog, makes it ok for me to bitch, vent if you will. The other day the most depressing thing happened to me. I went to my friends Sally and John's going away drinks after uni. Got caught up and being the drunken dick that i am, got locked out of uni. (the going away was quite sad, had a private tear to myself.) Anyway, All my uni work was left on the table, in a neat pile above my bags. The next morning i arrive bright and early, at a time where normal people aren't even thinking about leaving the comfort of there beds, walked into the classroom to find that some cleaner has decided to over zealously clean that room, and by over zealously i mean throw away my patterns for my prototype. But not only patterns, but drafts and intermediates as well. So that was awesome. After my little meltdown, (kicked a chair and felt tough) i cornered a cleaner on the balcony and demanded answers. Conveniently he knew nothing of the crime. What seriously confuses me, is that the cleaners are instructed to NOT clean the tables, only the ground. My things were all together in a pile, not splayed out around the room, AAAnd the room i was meant to be in the next morning looked like someone had obsessive compulsively hauded a lifetimes worth of chocolate wrappers and skangles of calico. Apparently instructions in English are harder to understand... Anyway, angry racist outbursts aside, i have no choice but to catch up, so that's what I'm going to do. Bliss.
Hokay dokay, Here is one of my newer items. A pair of thigh high black Augusta boots. I know what your thinking: 'what an appropriate choice for a 19 year old guy.' Its funny how i can justify any purchase to myself...lol anyway, here are the pictures