I have just become independent, a free spirit, a dove set free into the clear blue sky that is my new house aka Mansion de la Footscray. Just moved in and I am so excited to be able to run my own life. This is the reason why I haven’t been blogging because there were quite a few issues and unforseen circumstances that threw a myriad of spanners in the works. One particularity enjoyable one was the night before the signing away of our lives, not 1, but 2 people pulled out!!!! So that was fun to deal with, but its all fine now. Mostly everyone is in place, we still don’t have a tea pot which makes my mornings challenging, I’m sleeping on an inflatable mattress and haven’t even started thinking about managing my wardrobe, but I’m not complaining. We have a 2m tall Venus sculptures in our entrance hall…finally my surroundings match my inner self. hahahaha
Anyway Wednesday night was the ‘Romance was born’ launch. I made it my job to be there. Surprisingly it wasn’t as packed with wankers as the previous exhibition I went to. That was very refreshing. Also the fact that black was not in abundance. Shock horror!!! Even I, yes I, a person that even has black sheets…mmmm sexy like a panther… wore colour, and not like a dull shade of burgundy, but like bright digital printed glory! The flips side of this was that I blended into the incredible ‘Romance was born’ wall paper, just a tad. The exhibition was really cool and from my understanding they were launching their new digital print which consisted of faux taxidermy creatures. The creatures were then displayed on baroque style side tables. It was fantastic! The champagne kept flowing and we all had a blast. Aileen and I went to dinner after and I was still drunk when I got home. I’m pretty sure I fell out of the cab. I definitely was judged by the driver. Lol
Anyway here are the pictures: