so I'm home with my parents for the Christmas break, and i'm ready to kill myself and them. i've been home for 2 days and i've got my finger on the trigger. Now, just before i get into the another rant, you should probably know that Russian's are not quiet people, the more you love someone the louder you must yell at them over insignificant things such as crumbs or not changing into 'home' clothing the second one walks through the door. Crazy is not the word to describe my family. I'm sitting here in the arm chair watching Heston's feast on youtube and my mother decides that my mac is giving off radiation and i may get cancer. this naturally provokes an argument. She loves watching today tonight and other current affair programs, where any topic has to be sensationalized, eg: 'is your tea pot trying to kill you as you sleep? we uncover the ticking time bomb that the manufacturers don't want you to know', and hence has a extreme point of view on any form of technology or household appliance. we even have a magnet taped to the tap, so that the water is magnetized and thus healthier. This argument went on for longer than normal, my dad even tried to play the 'dumb' card by patronizingly asking me weather i know the difference between standby mode on a computer and off. He even tried to fool me, by saying: 'i don't know the difference, can you explain it to me..?' YESS DAD, OF COURSE I'LL EXPLAIN IT TO YOU, YOU ONLY SPEND EVERY SPARE MOMENT OF YOUR TIME ON YOUR 2 COMPUTERS, INSTALLING VARIOUS PROGRAMS AND AD-ONS. ITS AN EASY THING TO NOT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE OF STAND BY AND OFF...!!!!!!!!! i find the fact that they decided to paint my room, naturally the days that i will be there, slightly amusing. It's not like the paint fumes are toxic. i feel like I'm sleeping inside a bottle of amle. But my parents had an issue with macbook's radiation. Anyway, silent treatment is the next step in resolving a family feud, so the taping of my fingers on the keyboard of my mac as i write this is the only noise resonating through the tense, paint fumed air of the family home.
Anyway, back to the original point of this post! I got myself a Christmas pressie, a Comme des Garcons persona collection blazer dress. i am so happy!!! it is one of the prettiest things i have ever seen in my life. basically the premise of this collection was the juxtaposing traditional menswear pieces with classic womens wear in a Frankenstein manor. my delightful friend is a beautiful black, velvet trimmed blazer with two slits in the front chest panels with a delightfully kitsch black brocade dress sewn in. the dress is twisted over so its kinda hard to wear, but as far as i know, Rei intended the dress to hang in the front like an extra person. it makes me feel a touch like a Siamese twin. i've been watching mad men a lot and decided that that is the styling for the outfit post. For the record im wearing, Comme des Garcons blazer/dress, shirt i made myself, black Jack London suit pants, Dries Van Noten elastic shoes and vintage Persol sunglasses. I took the pictures in my delightful mansion around the lovely lady of the house. hope you all like them.
PS. now that I'm ready to post this, the argument that i had with my parents is over. Its like nothing ever happened.