On Monday i went to Cami and Nadia's 'DI$COUNT' studio. I decided that it would be nice to bring them some lunch and as my birthday was on the week end (yes, please congratulate me on surviving the first 18 years of my life, lol, i am now a smart mature and sassy 19 year old. hahahaha) i had lots of Russian food left over at home. Traveling on the train was like high school all over again, people looking at me as they could smell a multitude of unfamiliar ethnic smells that are far different from your usual Vegemite or pie aroma. I got off the tram and i saw them standing at the corner, they waved, then Nadia semi jumped up and ran away. i loled and walked up to Cami, latter did i find out that she ran into an Asian grosser and impulse bought me a birthday present. hahahaha, i was genuinely touched by that sentiment. So i bet your wandering what i got, yeah yeah? I got a pack of Pocky (Japanese fruit covered sticks) a push pop and some crazy cool grape flavored goo/paste. We were all fascinated by the last gift. I call it anorexia paist, cos like you can not eat and then when your a bout to pass out, have a bit of that stuff and hey presto, instant energy hit, not that im anorexic or advocating anorexia.... awkward.
Afterward we made our way to the VCA (Victorian College of the Arts) graduate exhibition. It was Fantastich! Again i spent more time at the bar than at the art works, but it was a 60:40 split. LOL i did do some wandering and came to the conclusion that VCA is pretty damn amazing, the students are insanely talented and the campus makes me jiz. If only they had a fashion course, cos the rmit campus, while being well equipped, is hardly inspirational. There were all kinds of people! OMG i was watching this art video about a waman plaster casting a naked ladies breasts. I was curious how it ends and thus didn't realize that i was standing there watching the 'art' for too long, until a pair of lesbians walked up and started laughing at me. I giggled like a school girl and ran off. lol afterward i went to dumplings, yet again. Mother efff i'v had sooo many dumplings in the last few weeks, you'd think i'd have had enough. A normal person would have graciously declined after the 3rd time, but apparently not I. So from this week im on water, air and grape flavored goo. lol
here are the picsssss:

DI$COUNT studio

My impulse birthday gift